Amongst the many factors, the straightaway benefit for an Indian student planning to study in Germany is that it is the cheapest option. When a student from India plans to study abroad, the money factor is usually the most dominant factor since it takes a lot to study in top destinations like USA, UK and Australia. It is heavily funded by the parents or is financed through bank loans. In this scenario, Germany offers free tuition to all the international students.
Public Universities in Germany does not charge any tuition fee even from international students while for other countries, it is a lucrative business as they charge hefty fees from foreign-bound students. The idea is that education is a basic requirement and no one should be deprived of it. Therefore, before you make a hasty decision of applying for Ireland student visa or USA study visa, do reconsider and think about Germany as your study destination. All you have to arrange for is accommodation and basic administrative fees of your institute.The major hurdle that comes across the students in India with regards to Germany is the language barrier. People in Germany speak their native language and majority of the courses are also provided in German language. Even if the medium of instruction is English, a student will need to be familiar with German language to get along with the daily life. Germans are particular about their language and culture and if you are planning to study there, make sure that you start taking German lessons on time.
While it is a dream for every student to study in USA, the other countries that are offering standard quality of education with all the facilities are usually neglected. Therefore, it is wise to consult with an expert because there may be other options for you in other countries that are more beneficial while you remain stuck at one place due to the lack of the awareness. Therefore, ask your consultant even before you plan to study in Germany to understand all the pros and cons in a better way.
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