Friday, May 20, 2022

What Are the Basic Eligibility Requirements for Australia Student Visa?

Studying in Australia is an excellent chance to experience the unique Australian way of life while learning valuable new skills. Australia offers world-class universities, practical vocational institutes, and outstanding English language schools to international students. If you plan to live in Australia for a long time, an Australia Student Visa is your best option. Now, move into understanding the basic eligibility requirements.

Basic Eligibility Requirements for Australian Student Visa

As with any visa, there are some basic conditions that a student must complete in order to be eligible for an Australian Student Visa. These are as follows:

1.      Full-Time Study

Students enrolled in full-time studies can only apply for a Student Visa under Subclass 500. Part-time and online courses are not eligible.

2.      Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)

Getting an Australian Student Visa necessitates the student to demonstrate that they are a Genuine Temporary Entrant. That is, you should be able to persuade them that you are only going to Australia to study and will return home at the end of the course or after a few years of experience. Your Visa Applications are evaluated based on the following factors:

·       Your circumstances in your home country, including your economic circumstances.

·       Potential circumstances/opportunities for you in Australia

·       Significance of your chosen course to your future.

·       Your immigration history

·       Any other relevant matters


3.      Health Checkup and Insurance

Australian student visas require proof of good health. A good health certificate will suffice the requirement. Only approved paneled doctors can perform health checks and certificates. In India, eMedical Facilities are provided with frequent real-time updates. You'd get a HAP id to use on the form. Because India is a high-risk country, students must also show a Chest X-Ray to prove they are free of Tuberculosis.

Before or after visa application, get a health checkup. Getting it early speeds up processing. You'll also need Health Insurance or an OSHC (Overseas Students Health Cover). You must have OSHC for the duration of your visa at the time of application. Your visa duration will depend on your health insurance, so be sure it covers your studies. OSHC costs a single student $438 annually.

Good Character

Students must present proof of good character, which implies that they have no criminal charges against them and/or have never been deported from Australia. On the form, a simple assertion of the same is frequently accepted.

Want more information? Contact our certified Overseas Education Consultants by dialing +91 8595338595 or sending an email to

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